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Example Test #15

1. If you see no sign, the speed is 100km/h unless…
It is a bus zone

You see street lights on the road

It is a dirt road

2. Can you travel in the rear of a van or station wagon?
You never can.

You always can.

Only if there is a correctly constructed seat with a correctly fitting seat belt.

3. When you are at an intersection, when do you need to look left and right to check?

Only during daylight hours

Never, you have right of way

4. When driving behind another vehicle in good conditions, you should always keep-
Three seconds behind them

Ten seconds behind them

One second behind them

5. How should you handle exiting a bend in the road?
speed up a little

Continue with your current speed

significantly reduce your speed

6. What do the zig-zag markings mean on the road?
Wet road ahead

caution of the pedestrian crossing

Hospital ahead

7. Before you can drive across the divided road, how many times do you need to stop if there are no cars?

You don't need to stop


8. when Pedestrians are affected by alcohol, they-
they are less of an issue

are more likely to get into a crash

more likely to be off the road

9. What do you do if you are driving towards these people on the road?
use your horn to warn them

come to a stop and allow them to pass.

drive ahead

10. This sign means...
school zone

Pedestrians crossing

No pedestrians allowed

11. Interpret this sign
The lanes are joining, you will need to form one lane.

Warning, the road narrows ahead. You will need to reduce your speed and use caution.

Give way to merging traffic. You will need to keep right.

12. What do you need to know about exit ramps on the freeway?
Keep your speed the same.

You will need to stop and give way to all traffic.

You will need to check your speed when you enter the ramp.

13. At night if you are driving and there are no other vehicles around you, can you use your highbeams?
Yes, even if there are street lights


Only to flash another car

14. If you are driving a vehicle over 13.9 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass, your BAC cannot reach-



15. If you are A, what do you need to do at this intersection?
Keep in the middle of the lane.

Stay close to the white lines.

Stay to the left hand side.

16. If you are in a three lane freeway-
You must stay in the far right at all times

The far right lane is used for overtaking.

The far right is used for cyclists

17. When a 2 year old isn't wearing their seatbelt, who responsible and will be blamed?
The driver.

The police

The 2 year old

18. Babies younger than 6 months old should always travel -
In the front of the car

In a baby restraint attached to an anchorage point.

On their parent's lap

19. If the car behind you signals to overtake you, you need to -
increase your speed so they cant overtake you

use your horn and tell them to get back in their lane

Keep as far left as it is safe and let them pass

20. If you see a give way sign, you need to-
You only give way to traffic from the left.

Use caution. Only stop if there is other traffic that you need to give way to.

Always stop and count to three.

21. If you just quickly need to grab something from the shop and you have a five year old child in the car, you should-
Use your hazards and leave the window down

You'll only be a few minutes, leave them in the car

Never leave the child in the car

22. Who needs to give way in this picture?

Whoever gets there first can go.


23. This sign means...
warning road tunnel ahead

caution, beginning of a divided road

caution, end of a divided road

24. If there is a collision but the police are not on the scene and someone is harmed, what do you do?
You only need to report if there has been property damaged.

As long as the injured person if okay, you can leave.

At the closest police station, report the collision right away.

25. While driving vehicle A, you notice that vehicle B is obstructing the way. How do you react safely when you can't stop before you pass vehicle B?
Shift lanes so you and vehicle C are in the same lane

Just slow down and let vehicle C pass

Speed up and drive around the corner

26. If you are driving at 10 kilometres per hour on a straight stretch of road, you will be approximately two seconds behind the car ahead. You should only close this gap if you…
Are trying to overtake.

If you are in a hurry.

If you are making the traffic behind you hold up.

27. When you see this sign, what do you do?
As there are no trains, you can continue.

Reduce your speed. You will need to be able to stop safely.

Increase your speed and cross quickly.

28. This sign means that
During these times you cannot stop your car on the kerb.

At any given time you can pick up or drop off passengers here.

At any given time, not stopping is allowed here.

29. if there is a railway with this sign, you need to-
Reduce your speed, look both ways and stop if there is a train.

Stop and wait for thirty seconds.

Quicly cross to avoid trains.

30. This sign means that
30km ahead you will find the national park.

30km ahead turn to enter the zoo.

Caution, danger of kangaroos on the road for the next 30km.
