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Example Test #46

1. Before you overtake, you-
Check for oncoming traffic

use your hazards

adjust your mirrors

2. What is important when driving past parked cars?
Look for cars about to pull out and pedestrians

to have your headlights on

you have your mirrors in the right place

3. If you hear a siren from an ambulance you should-
Get into the far right lane

Get into the far left lane

Hit your brakes

4. You are A, what is the biggest safety risk?
The pedestrian

The cyclist

Vehicle B

5. This sign means…
Low bridge ahead

Train station on your left

Only light rail vehicles

6. This sign means...
Only cars turning right can go.

everyone can go

no one can go

7. If you are vehicle A and a cyclist pulls out in front of you, you will have no time to safely stop. What should you do to avoid future hazards like this?
When driving near parked cars, always lower your speed so you can have visibilty over approaching hazards

Use your horn when you suspect any hazards ahead

Never drive around areas that are built-up

8. This sign means...
Vehicles stop when oncoming traffic is coming

all vehicles must give way

Pedestrians need to give way.

9. If you give your friend and their 12 year old son a lift, what do you do if the son doesn’t wear his seatbelt?
Their parent needs to ask them, it's their responsibility.

Ask him to put it on, you will be responsible.

They don't need to wear one, they are not old enough.

10. What is the most likely reason that A and B crashed?
A was breaking the traffic rules.

B was too close behind A.

A was speeding.

11. In this scenario, which car is allowed to turn left?
Only A

Both A and B

Only C

12. At an intersection with red traffic lights, when they turn green you -
Slowly drive across

Hurry across

Proceed with caution

13. If you are A, what hazard would overtaking B present?
B might shift lanes while A is overtaking.

This is illegal, A can be fined.

There is a chance, B will become annoyed.

14. Do you need to legally signal if you want to turn?
Only at a traffic light



15. If you are facing this traffic light, you can…
only go straight.

Only turn right.

go straight ahead or to turn right.

16. If you are A, when can you do a hook turn?
Only when the light is green for the lane you are entering.

When the lights are flashing yellow.

When there is no oncoming traffic.

17. You should not move back into your lane after overtaking, unless-
you see the vehicle you overtook in your rear view

there is a bus coming

it is night time

18. When you come across horses on the road, you need to-
reduce your speed and stop if needed.

Speed past them.

Use your horn to get them off the road.

19. Who can help you determine what medication is not suited to take when driving?
you can ask your instructor

You will know

A doctor

20. At a roundabout, you should signal left when you want to turn left…
You don’t need to

From the moment you plan on entering the roundabout

Only if there is two lanes

21. At a pedestrian crossing, if there are elderly people or children, you will-
Flash your lights at them

Swerve around them and drive on

have to be patient and wait longer

22. On this sign, how long do trucks have to unload if they are parked to the left of the sign?
They have half an hour.

They have no time limit, they have as long as they need to unload.

They only have 15 minutes.

23. This sign means you need to …
Stop. Wait for 30 seconds before you cross the tracks.

Reduce your speed. Be prepared to give way to trains.

Increase your speed as you drive across the tracks.

24. This sign means…
No pedestrians are allowed to cross in this area.

Use caution as children may be crossing in this area. Reduce your speed.

Use caution, there is a sports field ahead.

25. When do you need to use your indicator lights?
You don't need them

any time you change lanes

when you are telling another driver to speed up

26. What do you do if you want to turn left but the pedestrian lights are flashing red?
Use your horn to hurry them along.

Drive around them in the right lane.

You need to wait and give way to pedestrians

27. You must always ___ when entering or exiting a driveway.
Give way to all traffic

use your horn and pull out

only give way to trucks

28. When you see this sign, what do you do?
As there are no trains, you can continue.

Reduce your speed. You will need to be able to stop safely.

Increase your speed and cross quickly.

29. If you are car A and a dog runs into the road in front of you, you need to
Drive into the nature strip on your left

Move into the right lane

Get ready to stop

30. For long trips, what should you always remember to do?
Drink caffine to keep you alert.

Have a good night's sleep before you drive.

Check your windscreen wipers.