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Example Test #49

1. What is true. Seatbelts …
Save lives and prevent serious injury.

are only used for the driver

Are only used for passengers

2. Can you travel in the rear of a van or station wagon?
You never can.

You always can.

Only if there is a correctly constructed seat with a correctly fitting seat belt.

3. In wet weather, always -
use your horn to alert other cars you're coming

be heavy on your brakes

Keep an eye out for pedestrians who might be in a hurry

4. If you are in heavy traffice and your lane is obstructed by a vehicle turning right, what should you do?
come to a stop and wait until they turn before you proceed.

go around the caron the left and use the footpath to drive on

use your horn to let them know you are waiting.

5. When a roadworker is using this sign, what do you have to do as the driver?
Wait until you feel as though it is safe to continue.

Continue but go slowly.

Drive at what the speed limit says.

6. At what point is A allowed to overtake B?
You're never allowed

Overtaking is only allowed when the lane ahead is clear

It's only allowed when B moves to the left

7. If you are A, when are you allowed to overtake?
Only when you have a clear view

Only when B signals for you to pass

Any time after C has moved

8. What happens if you are convicted of dangerous driving -
You can't be convicted of that

Lose your licence and/or be sent to prison.

You will only be fined

9. If you are A and there is no oncoming traffic, which path is the safest?
Diagram II

Diagram III

Diagram I

10. What is the meaning of a red light at traffic lights?
You must stop

You must give way

You can only turn

11. can you park on a traffice island or median strip?

only for ten minutes


12. How do you make a crash site safe if you are the first to arrive?
Stay in the middle of the road and tell cars to stop.

Call the police or ambulance.

Keep your car in a visible position and keep your hazard lights on.

13. Who can help you determine what medication is not suited to take when driving?
you can ask your instructor

You will know

A doctor

14. When merging onto a freeway--
use your horn to ask them to let you in the lane

match the traffic speed and wait for a gap in the lane

enter slowly and use caution

15. When are you permitted to use the right lane?

only in daylight

If you are turning right or need to overtake

16. At this intersection you should use caution because -
You don’t have visibilty over the side streets

Something might fall from the building

There are roadworks

17. What is the meaning of this sign?
There are traffic lights ahead

Caution railway crossing ahead

The traffic lights are out of use

18. When there is a traffic controller at an intersection, you always need to-
Continue as normal

Listen to their directions

Speed quickly through

19. On a two lane greeway, you should always use the-
The right lane. Only if you need to overtake should you use the left lane.

The left lane. Only if you need to overtake should you use the right lane.

Any lane you want.

20. You are going on a road trip with your friends. How can you have a safe trip?
Drive at night so you can drive faster as there will be less police on the roads.

Share the driving to reduce fatigue and drive during daylight hours.

Drive in long shifts to get there quicker.

21. When the police have reason to think that you have been in a street or drag race, they can-
Take away your vehicle for up to two months.

Take away your vehicle for up to ten months.

Take away your vehicle for up to three months.

22. What lanes on a roadway allow you to turn right?
Only lanes with an arrow or the far right lane only

The far left lane

Only lanes with arrows

23. If you are at a traffic light and the lane you want to enter is blocked, you need to-
Stop and only cross when there is enough room.

Enter the intersection and wait

Use your horn to speed them up

24. In a 60 km/h zone, can you reduce your speed if your uncomfortable?
Yes, drive to your conditions

You have to do 60km/h

Only If there are multiple lanes

25. when you have a long distance to travel but you are tired, what should you do?
Keep your windows down and the radio on.

Stop and sleep before you drive.

Stock up on caffeine.

26. This sign means…
The limit is 10 km/h and there pedestrians in this zone

If there is an emergency vehicle, the speed is 10km/h

If raining, the limit is 10km/h

27. At a pedestrian crossing, if there are elderly people or children, you will-
Flash your lights at them

Swerve around them and drive on

have to be patient and wait longer

28. what does this warning mean?
Uncontrolled rail crossing on side road

railway ahead

beware Pedestrians

29. This sign means...
increase your speed

Start of the freeway

In 2km the freeway will start

30. This sign means...
Caution, you need to dim your head lights

Caution, low bridge ahead.

There is a dip or hollow.
