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Example Test #50

1. In order to turn right, you will need to cross the tram tracks. What should you do if there is a tram in sight?
Turns are not permitted across tram tracks.

The tram must give way to you.

Give way to the tram and then make your turn.

2. when can learner drivers make good decisions?
they always can

they never do

Only after a lot of practice

3. When do you need to use your indicator lights?
You don't need them

any time you change lanes

when you are telling another driver to speed up

4. Interpret the meaning of this sign if at an intersection.
You must give way to all traffic.

Trucks must give way to you.

All traffic must give way to you.

5. On a freeway if you see a reduced speed zone sign, you -
Match the other cars

reduce your speed

It is only a recommendation

6. Where would you find a private car in the lane with this sign?
When they are within 100m of making a turn.

when they are parking.

When they are overtaking.

7. If you are in a car that only has one seatbelt for the driver, where should you sit to reduce the risk associated with not wearing a seatbelt?
In the front

In the back seat

Share the driver's seatbelt

8. What does it mean if you are at a pedestrian crossing that has lights and they start flashing amber?
You can drive across the crossing but use caution

This is out of order

You cannot cross yet

9. What is one of the hardships that come with driving?
Trying to keep the inside and outside of your car clean.

Booking regular long trips.

Being safe and driving when you have loud passengers.

10. How far can a learner drive on a freeway with a speed limit of 110 km/h?
80 km/h.

90 km/h.

120 km/h.

11. If you are A and a tennis ball bounces onto your path, you need to…
Move into the other lane to your right.

Safely reduce your speed and come to a stop if needed.

Stop at once.

12. What is most correct?
Always give way to pedestrians.

You only have to give way to pedestrians at traffic lights

never give way to pedestrians.

13. In the picture, the pedestrian is crossing the road where a stop sign is. Do you need to stop again for the stop sign after you have already stopped for the pedestrian?


Only if there is heavy traffic

14. When you come across a railway crossing, you should wait to cross if-
It is a cloudy day.

There is blocked lanes on the other side.

There are cars behind you.

15. How can A turn in this scenario safely?
You will need to stop and wait for B to move.

A will need to reduce speed and once they are passed B, they will need to signal to turn.

For 20 metres before the turn, use your signal.

16. To minimise your change of a collision as a new driver on your own, what is the best thing you can do?
Have solo experience driving in country areas.

Complete ten lessons from a driving teacher.

Gain 120 hours of driving experience with a supervisor.

17. When a car that is overtaking signals they need to get into the lane ahead of you, you-
increase your speed so they cant overtake you

reduce your speed and let them in

Use your horn

18. When the police have reason to think that you have been in a street or drag race, they can-
Take away your vehicle for up to two months.

Take away your vehicle for up to ten months.

Take away your vehicle for up to three months.

19. What happens when you breach traffic laws?
For traffic offenses, you can only loose demerit points.

You can receive fines and loose demerit points.

You risk loosing demerit points or your licence. You can also receive fines and in severe cases be sent to jail.

20. On a marked pedestrian crossing you should always-
hit your brakes and stop

reduce your speed and be prepared to stop

speed up in case a pedestrian wants to cross

21. What lanes on a roadway allow you to turn right?
Only lanes with an arrow or the far right lane only

The far left lane

Only lanes with arrows

22. When merging onto a freeway--
use your horn to ask them to let you in the lane

match the traffic speed and wait for a gap in the lane

enter slowly and use caution

23. You are in a one way street and want to turn right. What point should you start turning?

Anywhere on the road.


24. if you see loose gravel on the road on the corner, you -
use your horn

use your hazard lights

reduce your speed

25. There is no upcoming traffic. Can A and B overtake?
Only B

Only A

No one can.

26. Interpret the meaning of this sign.
there is toll roadway ahead.

This is the turn for the freeway with the toll.

This is closed, you will need to take the tollway.

27. When should you give way to people on the road as you are turning?
You only need to stop for them if the pedestrian light is green.

You should always be cautious and give way.

They must give way to you.

28. If you are A, what should you do?
Only turn if it is safe.

Stop and wait until B moves.

Stop and wait until C moves.

29. When you see a yellow traffic light you need to…
Hit the brakes.

Hurry up and get across the intersection.

Stop if you can do so safely.

30. This sign means...
Long winding road

A sharp corner

A normal curve
