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Example Test #51

1. If you have a jammer or a radar detector it is illegal

it doesn’t matter


2. If you have a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level of .15 and are over the limit, is your risk of crashing while driving changed?
Regardless of your limit, your risk of crashing will remain the same

It is only slightly higher when you are over the limit

You are over the legal limit and your chance greatly increases

3. what age are children when they are allowed to use booster seats?
4 years or older

2 years or older

5 years or older

4. Look at the sign on the truck. What does this mean?
While the truck is turning, you can NOT over take.

If you want to overtake, do it before the truck begins to turn

While the truck is turning you CAN overtake

5. You are going on a road trip to the beach. What do you do when you begin to feel tired?
Have the radio on full volume.

Bring plenty of coffee with your.

Find somewhere safe to stop and take a nap.

6. when you have a long distance to travel but you are tired, what should you do?
Keep your windows down and the radio on.

Stop and sleep before you drive.

Stock up on caffeine.

7. A difficulty of driving can be-
Ensuring that your care is clean and your tyre pressure is accurate.

Keeping safe while using gravel roads.

Finding your radio station while you are driving.

8. Will you know for certain what your BAC is when you consume alcohol?
With only one standard drink you will always know your BAC

You can never know for certain what your BAC is

You will know if you test your BAC after one drink and then multiply it for each drink.

9. When merging onto a freeway--
use your horn to ask them to let you in the lane

match the traffic speed and wait for a gap in the lane

enter slowly and use caution

10. If A and B crash, what would the reason be?
B was speeding.

B did not see A when they turned.

A did not give way to B.

11. To use the roundabout to do a U-turn, you must stay in the ___ lane.
It doesn’t matter.



12. You should awlays ___ before changing lanes.
Pull out quickly

Signal with your indicators and check your blindspots

Use your horn to alert others

13. What is the maximum Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) that a learner driver can have when driving?


14. When a car that is overtaking signals they need to get into the lane ahead of you, you-
increase your speed so they cant overtake you

reduce your speed and let them in

Use your horn

15. If you are in a car and you need to get into the bus lane to turn, how long are you allowed in that lane?
Only 100 metres

Over 150 metres

No more than 10 metres

16. When must you notify VicRoads if you change your name?
Within 7 months

Within 14 days

You don't have to

17. How do you enter a bend in the road?
Increase your speed

Slowy reduce your speed

Continue at your current speed.

18. What is the most likely reason that these vehicles have crashed?
Vehicle B didn't give way to vehicle A as they should have

Vehicle B must have been speeding in the intersection

Vehicle A didn't give way to vehicle B as they should have

19. To do a right turn at an intersection but you see a traffic light like this…
Use caution

Only proceed when the green arrow appears

Beware cyclists

20. You have been in an accident. Someone is injured. What is the first thing you do?
Within 24 hours report the crash.

Call an ambulance and then call the Police.

drive them to the hospital

21. If you hear a siren from an ambulance you should-
Get into the far right lane

Get into the far left lane

Hit your brakes

22. When a driver is under the influence of Cannabis (marijuana) what is the most common effect on the driver's reaction time?
It is reduced and slowed down

There is no effect

It can improve reaction time

23. Can you park to the left of this sign if you do not have a valid disabled permit?
only if no one else is using it

Not for any reason

only for a minute

24. This sign means...
Caution, you need to dim your head lights

Caution, low bridge ahead.

There is a dip or hollow.

25. This sign means...
There is a dip ahead in the road

Beware of roadworks

Beware a section of winding road

26. Interpret the meaning of this sign.
Only left turn allowed.

Caution, there is a sharp curve in the road.

Ahead there is a one way lane.

27. If a pedestrian steps out onto a pedestrian crossing without looking, who will be responsible if you collide?
It is the pedestrian's fault as they didn't look.

It is your job to reduce your speed around crossings so you can stop if needed.

Only if the pedestrian is underage is it your fault.

28. How can you tell you are growing in your driving skills?
You can drive faster.

You become more aware of your surroundings.

You don't brake all the time.

29. This sign means that
During these times you cannot stop your car on the kerb.

At any given time you can pick up or drop off passengers here.

At any given time, not stopping is allowed here.

30. If you don't see any signs, how close can you be to a traffic light to park your car?
5 metres or more

25 metres or more

10 metres or more