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Example Test #58

1. If you are driving at night and another car's headlights hurt your eyes, you need to-
Keep to the centre of the road

Reduce your speed and pull over if necessary

wind down the window to refresh you

2. If you are a P1 driver, can you be suspended for any speeding?
Only if you are over 100km/h



3. This sign means...
You can wait on the curb, but you can't leave your car.

You cannot park on this curb.

You can only park for one minute.

4. if you see loose gravel on the road on the corner, you -
use your horn

use your hazard lights

reduce your speed

5. If you see no sign, the speed is 100km/h unless…
It is a bus zone

You see street lights on the road

It is a dirt road

6. What do you do if you see a horse with a rider on the road?
Reduce your speed and allow them enough space.

Use your hazard lights.

Use your horn.

7. This sign means...
end of road ahead

Staggered side road junction

two way lane

8. At a pedestrian crossing, if there are elderly people or children, you will-
Flash your lights at them

Swerve around them and drive on

have to be patient and wait longer

9. This sign indicates…
Caution, there is a bridge.

Warning, this is a gravel road.

Beware of the slipppery road ahead.

10. In this image, who needs to give way at the T-intersection?


Whoever got there first is allowed to go first

11. after drinking, you should really-
have a meal

wait before you drive

drink lots of caffine

12. If you are A, what is the biggest hazard in this scenario?

The cyclist


13. When you drink and drive and are in a car crash, it will typically be-

Just the same as if there was no alcohol involved.


14. What is true. Seatbelts …
Save lives and prevent serious injury.

are only used for the driver

Are only used for passengers

15. If you are A, what hazard would overtaking B present?
B might shift lanes while A is overtaking.

This is illegal, A can be fined.

There is a chance, B will become annoyed.

16. You see an oncoming car drift into the middle of the road, what should you do?
Reduce your speed and wait for them to move.

Brake, flash you lights and use your horn to alert them.

Call the police.

17. Interpret this sign
Parking is only allowed for vehicles with a disabled person. You will need to display your mobility parking authority notice to park here.

Parking is only allowed for fifteen minutes. Only cars allowed, no cyclists.

Only cyclists are permitted to park in this area. Cars can be fined.

18. When you consume illegal drugs, you-
Should never drink

Only drive on quiet roads

Always have a big meal.

19. When does A have to give way to B in the options?
Only in I.

Only in II.

In both I and II.

20. Where would you find a private car in the lane with this sign?
When they are within 100m of making a turn.

when they are parking.

When they are overtaking.

21. When you drink alcohol but feel fine, you should remember-
After drinking alcohol, you will always have a lowered awareness and slower reaction time.

Always take the back roads and not use the freeway.

Drive quickly home so you don't get caught by police.

22. When there are children near the road, you should-
drive at 20km/h

Drive as normal

Reduce speed and use caution

23. What do you do if you are driving towards these people on the road?
use your horn to warn them

come to a stop and allow them to pass.

drive ahead

24. If it is 9.25am on a week day,you match the speed of other cars at 70km/h, but see this sign-
It doesn’t matter as it's almost passed 9.30

Reduce your speed

Match the other cars

25. There are no traffic lights at an intersection. If you are A when can you turn left?
Straight away

You cannot go here

After you give way to B

26. In what way will drugs (Such as speed or ecstasy) impact your driving?
you will have a false confidence and your focus can be decreased.

You will gain a boost in confidence and skills.

You will lack confidence but gain more skills on the road.

27. This sign means...
You can only use the right lane when the other lane is congested or you are overtaking.

To overtake, use the left lane.

Do not overtake in the right lane.

28. When there is a traffic controller at an intersection, you always need to-
Continue as normal

Listen to their directions

Speed quickly through

29. How can A turn in this scenario safely?
You will need to stop and wait for B to move.

A will need to reduce speed and once they are passed B, they will need to signal to turn.

For 20 metres before the turn, use your signal.

30. If there is a collision but the police are not on the scene and someone is harmed, what do you do?
You only need to report if there has been property damaged.

As long as the injured person if okay, you can leave.

At the closest police station, report the collision right away.