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Example Test #6

1. When there is a give way sign and a path on the road, who do you need to give way to?
Any cyclists but not pedestrians.

Only pedestrians and not cyclists.

All cyclists and pedestrians.

2. To do a right turn at an intersection but you see a traffic light like this…
Use caution

Only proceed when the green arrow appears

Beware cyclists

3. This sign means...
Only cars turning right can go.

everyone can go

no one can go

4. The quicker a car is travelling in front of you, the___
more time and distance you will need to overtake

less time you need

more distance you need

5. In the image, does vehicle A or B need to give way to the pedestrian?
Only vehicle B needs to

Only vehicle A needs to

They both need to give way

6. What is the most likely reason that these vehicles have crashed?
Vehicle B didn't give way to vehicle A as they should have

Vehicle B must have been speeding in the intersection

Vehicle A didn't give way to vehicle B as they should have

7. If you are driving near a crossing or school, always -
speed up so you can get away quicker

reduce your speed and prepare to stop if needed

keep in the right lane

8. Who in this picture needs to give way?
K and J



9. This sign means...
increase your speed

Start of the freeway

In 2km the freeway will start

10. if the limit is 90 km/h and you have just overtaken someone, you-
get back into the left lane

Speed up.

Use your horn

11. At this intersection you should use caution because -
You don’t have visibilty over the side streets

Something might fall from the building

There are roadworks

12. When there are poor road conditions, you should always pay more attention to--
Adjusting your mirrors

Pedestrians who are hard to see

Keeping your seat comfortable

13. If you park on a steep hill and your vehicle ia an autaomtic, you should always remember to…
Never park an automatic car on a hill

Put the car in neutral and use your handbrake

Put your vehicle in park and pull the handbrake on

14. If it is 9.25am on a week day,you match the speed of other cars at 70km/h, but see this sign-
It doesn’t matter as it's almost passed 9.30

Reduce your speed

Match the other cars

15. A difficulty of driving can be-
Ensuring that your care is clean and your tyre pressure is accurate.

Keeping safe while using gravel roads.

Finding your radio station while you are driving.

16. Who is using the most caution?


No one is

17. If you are in a car and you need to get into the bus lane to turn, how long are you allowed in that lane?
Only 100 metres

Over 150 metres

No more than 10 metres

18. This sign means that
Caution of pedestrians on the bridge.

This bridge is not to be driven on. Turn back.

Slow down, the bridge only has space for two vehicles at once, use caution.

19. What do you do if you miss your freeway exit?
Hit your brakes and go back.

Pull over and hold up traffic.

Keep driving until you reach the next exit.

20. if you are A, who do you need to give way to?
both b and c.

only b

only c

21. If you are A and there are no parking signs, but you want to park in Bay I, you -
You cannot park here. Disabled drivers with permits only.

Stop and reverse.

Should turn right.

22. In a 60 km/h zone, can you reduce your speed if your uncomfortable?
Yes, drive to your conditions

You have to do 60km/h

Only If there are multiple lanes

23. Interpret this sign
Only vehicles with one passenger are allowed.

Only traffic with three or more people or motorcyclists are allowed to use this lane.

Cyclists only. No cars in this lane.

24. This sign means...
beware of Pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian one way street

Elderly pedestrians ahead

25. If you are a P1 driver, can you be suspended for any speeding?
Only if you are over 100km/h



26. What should your driving supervisor do if you are learning to drive?
Slowly build up with the driving challenges on the road

Go straight for the most difficult challenges on the road

Only use medium level driving challenges

27. If you are A, who do you need to give way to?
Both B and C

Only B

Only C

28. If your BAC is 0.08 or higher, what will happen to a learner driver if they are caught?
for at three months, they will loose their licence and be required to install an alcohol ignition interlock in their car.

they will loose 5 demerit points.

for at least six months, they will loose their licence and be required to install an alcohol ignition interlock in their car.

29. Interpret this sign
There are police ahead directing traffic as the traffice lights have stopped working.

Playground crossing ahead, get ready to stop.

Reduce your speed, there is a traffic controller ahead. You may be required to stop.

30. When you get tired when driving, you should always-
Wind down the wndows

Turn on the air conditioner

Pull over where safe and have a nap