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Example Test #75

1. if you happen to be charged with driving with a BAC over the limit, you can lose your driver’s licence and ___
Be restricted from manual cars

Be restricted from driving buses

go to prison

2. When you are driving at night, how close can you get to the vehicle infront of you before you need to dim your headlights?
150 metres

200 metres

100 metres

3. when you have a long distance to travel but you are tired, what should you do?
Keep your windows down and the radio on.

Stop and sleep before you drive.

Stock up on caffeine.

4. Who needs to give way?

Whoever gets there first can go.


5. What the most effective way to lower your BAC?
Only time will lower your BAC

Large amounts of coffee

Eating a large meal

6. What is the meaning of this sign?
There are traffic lights ahead

Caution railway crossing ahead

The traffic lights are out of use

7. If you are in a crash and someone is harmed, and you Do NOT stop and help them, you can lose your licence for a minimum of
two years.

three months.

one year

8. If you are turning left at a roundabout, remember to always -
It doesn't matter.

enter in the right, exit in the left

Enter and exit in the left lane

9. In the image, does vehicle A or B need to give way to the pedestrian?
Only vehicle B needs to

Only vehicle A needs to

They both need to give way

10. If you are A, what's the safest way to leave the roundabout?
Stay in the right lane as you leave.

Let B go first

stay in the left lane

11. This sign means that
Caution of an unsealed road, reduce your speed.

Beware of a winding road and reduce your speed to keep safe.

Caution, there is a steep incline ahead.

12. If you are caught with passengers who are NOT wearing their seatbelts, you will:
You will get fined, but you will not loose any points.

You will be threatened and receive a warning.

Be fined and loose demerit points.

13. If you don't see any signs, how close can you be to a traffic light to park your car?
5 metres or more

25 metres or more

10 metres or more

14. it is a driver's responsiblility for the restraint of:
only those in the front seat

All passengers

no one

15. If you see a person on the road, you should-
reduce your speed and use caution

Drive as normal

use your horn to get them away from the road

16. In this scenario, which car is allowed to turn left?
Only A

Both A and B

Only C

17. At a railway crossing, you notice the booms are lifted and there are no flashing lights. You cannot see a train, but the road is blocked on the other side of the road. What should you do?
When you see the cars starting to move, cross. It doesn't matter if there is enough room for your car as the booms are up.

Cross as there are no trains.

Do not cross the railway tracks until the road on the other side is clear.

18. Are you permitted to use the bike lane?
You can only use it if it is safe and there are no cyclists.

You can never use this lane.

Cars always have the right of way.

19. Why should you always take note of stop signs and flashing lights?
They are warning you of an upcoming train that cannot stop for you.

There is a low bridge ahead.

You might speed and get a fine.

20. If you have a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) level of .15 and are over the limit, is your risk of crashing while driving changed?
Regardless of your limit, your risk of crashing will remain the same

It is only slightly higher when you are over the limit

You are over the legal limit and your chance greatly increases

21. this traffic light means….
everyone can go

no one can go

Cars turning left can go, all other cars must wait

22. If you have an unrestricted licence on a country road and see this sign while you are driving at 100 km/h, you should-
Reduce your speed and use caution.

Get ready to turn left.

Do nothing

23. Before you overtake, you-
Check for oncoming traffic

use your hazards

adjust your mirrors

24. You should always consider when driving on roads that are slippery or wet that -
There will be no difference.

It will be quicker to stop.

Your vehicle will take longer to stop and can swerve out of control easier.

25. If you are A, who do you give way to?
Both B and C.

No one.

Only C.

26. There are no traffic lights at an intersection. If you are A when can you turn left?
Straight away

You cannot go here

After you give way to B

27. You are A, when can you overtake B on the right?
when you signal before.

You never can

When there is no oncoming traffic.

28. If you are overtaking a car, how do you know when it is safe to go back into your lane?
Until you see the headlights of the car behind you in your mirror.

When you are 350 metres ahead.

When you have used your turn signal for 5 or more seconds.

29. what does this warning mean?
Uncontrolled rail crossing on side road

railway ahead

beware Pedestrians

30. What is this traffic light indicating?
The tram can go but the cars need to wait

No one can go

If there are no trams, cars can go
