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Example Test #86

1. How do you enter a bend in the road?
Increase your speed

Slowy reduce your speed

Continue at your current speed.

2. When you are passing through roadworks and you see a stop sign held by the traffice contoller, you-
You only need to stop for five minutes.

Stop and follow their directives.

You should just reduce your speed.

3. What is the best method to avoid crashes when you are new to driving?
To begin with, only drive in daylight and quiet roads.

Learn the hard skills first and drive on a busy freeway.

Aim to get 100 night hours driving.

4. If you have a passenger who is running late and they ask you to speed up, you-
Use your horn to ask traffic to hurry up

Stay within the speed limit

Speed up a little

5. If you are A, who do you need to give way to?
Only B but not C.

No one. You can go before B and C.

Give way to both B and C.

6. If you are vehicle A and a cyclist pulls out in front of you, you will have no time to safely stop. What should you do to avoid future hazards like this?
When driving near parked cars, always lower your speed so you can have visibilty over approaching hazards

Use your horn when you suspect any hazards ahead

Never drive around areas that are built-up

7. If you are overtaking a car, how do you know when it is safe to go back into your lane?
Until you see the headlights of the car behind you in your mirror.

When you are 350 metres ahead.

When you have used your turn signal for 5 or more seconds.

8. If you have been in a collision and someone is injured but there is no police there, do you need to report it?

If they are not there, you don't need to report it

You only need to report it if the injured person wants you to

9. When do you need to give way to pedestrians on a marked pedestrian crossing -
When there is danger of a crash.

Only if they are coming from your right

Only if they are coming from your left

10. What type of vehicle is allowed to stop and unload in this area?
Any courier cars or delivery vans.

Any passenger cars are allowed here.

Only vehicles who have a gross mass of over 4.5 tonnes.

11. Can you travel in the rear of a van or station wagon?
You never can.

You always can.

Only if there is a correctly constructed seat with a correctly fitting seat belt.

12. who parked illegally?



13. What is this warning about?
Pedestrian crossing ahead

Railway crossing ahead

Roundabout ahead

14. If you are at a green traffic light, but there are vehicles blocking the lane ahead, what should you do?
Wait until the traffic clears before you go.

Proceed across the intersection.

Wait in the middle of the intersection until traffic clears.

15. if you see loose gravel on the road on the corner, you -
use your horn

use your hazard lights

reduce your speed

16. This sign means that
There is no turning allowed.

Right turns are not permitted.

Left turns are not allowed.

17. When you consume illegal drugs, you-
Should never drink

Only drive on quiet roads

Always have a big meal.

18. At night if you are driving and there are no other vehicles around you, can you use your highbeams?
Yes, even if there are street lights


Only to flash another car

19. If a train crossed the railway crossing without flashing lights or booms, what should you consider before crossing?
There could be more trains coming

You need to cross quickly

There will only be one train

20. You should awlays ___ before changing lanes.
Pull out quickly

Signal with your indicators and check your blindspots

Use your horn to alert others

21. This sign means that
Beware, T-intersection ahead and give way to all traffic entering from your right and left.

Slow down, there is a dead end ahead.

Reduce speed for the tollway ahead.

22. This sign means...
beware of Pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian one way street

Elderly pedestrians ahead

23. At what point is a sealed road the most likely to be slippery?
After weeks of no rain

As it starts to rain

When it has been raining for several hours

24. If your passengers don’t put their seatbelts on, you need to -
Use caution when you drive

Remind them that the car has seatbelts and you can't drive unless they use them.

It's their own fault if they don't

25. How can you make sure that you are always under the leagl limit when driving?
No drink any alcohol before you drive

only have one or two light beers

Always eat a big meal when you drink alcohol.

26. Who need to signal in this scenario?
They both need to (A and B)

Only A

Only B

27. Look at the picture. O and P need to both go through a give way. Who will go first?

Whoever is quickest


28. If you are A, what is the biggest risk in this picture?

The cyclist


29. Can you use a mobile phone that is hand-held while you are driving?


Only for a quick look

30. Can you do a U-Turn at any traffic lights?
Only if there is a sign


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