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Example Test #95

1. Why will speeding increase the risk of causing a collison?
It will make your reaction time slower

You have less time to check for hazards before they occur

It will double the amount of road hazards

2. When you are at an intersection, when do you need to look left and right to check?

Only during daylight hours

Never, you have right of way

3. Where will you see this sign?
Caution, there is a change in driving conditions. There is a divided road coming up.

You are entering the freeway, maximum speed is 110 km/h.

Warning, prepare to stop. There is a two lane bridge ahead.

4. What do you do if you want to turn left but the pedestrian lights are flashing red?
Use your horn to hurry them along.

Drive around them in the right lane.

You need to wait and give way to pedestrians

5. When you come across horses on the road, you need to-
reduce your speed and stop if needed.

Speed past them.

Use your horn to get them off the road.

6. Interpret the meaning of this sign if at an intersection.
You must give way to all traffic.

Trucks must give way to you.

All traffic must give way to you.

7. This sign means that
Caution of pedestrians on the bridge.

This bridge is not to be driven on. Turn back.

Slow down, the bridge only has space for two vehicles at once, use caution.

8. This sign means that you need to
Drive to the left side of the sign.

Tale your next left.

Beware of a roundabout ahead.

9. if you are at a stop sign when do you need to stop?
If there is no traffic, you don't have the stop

Even if there is no traffic, you must always stop

You only stop if there is cars coming

10. What speed are you permitted to travel at.
Above what the speed limit sign says.

At the speed or below what the speed limit says.

Always 10 km/h below the speed limit signs.

11. When you drink and drive and are in a car crash, it will typically be-

Just the same as if there was no alcohol involved.


12. When can you legally do a U-turn
Only when a sign allows it

Only in T

Only in Z

13. You are in a one way street and want to turn right. What point should you start turning?

Anywhere on the road.


14. If you are A, who do you need to give way to?
Only the pedestrian

Only the motorcycle

both the pedestrian and the motorcycle.

15. When a part of the road is marked with double unbroken dividing lines as pictured, when can you cross?
All the time

Only for exiting/entering a driveway or street.


16. This sign means...
beware of Pedestrian crossing

Pedestrian one way street

Elderly pedestrians ahead

17. You are A. Who is in your blindspot?
Only B

Both B and the cyclist

Only C

18. If you are making a u-turn, you need to make sure the traffic is clear-
only ahead

in both directions.

only behind you

19. This sign means…
Low bridge ahead

Train station on your left

Only light rail vehicles

20. When talking about overtaking, what is the most correct…
Always stay one second behind someone you want to overtake soon

The quicker you overtake the better

Use caution around large vehicles

21. In this picture, who will need to go first?



22. What is the most likely reason that A and B crashed?
A was breaking the traffic rules.

B was too close behind A.

A was speeding.

23. Interpret this sign
Caution, there are animals on the road. Reduce your speed and be ready to stop if an animal is in your path.

Nature reserve ahead. Reduce your speed and turn left.

Stop your car. There are animals blocking the road. Wait for further instructions.

24. if you want to turn left at the roundabout, what lane do you need to use?
You cannot turn left at a roundabout

The left

The right

25. What does it mean when you need to scan the road?
Never look in your mirrors when you drive as they can be distracting

Only scan the road ahead of you

Keep you head moving to check all your mirrors

26. If there are double dividing lines on the road, you are only allowed to park-
Directly on the lines

2 metres from the lines

3 metres from the lines

27. Interpret this sign
Only vehicles with one passenger are allowed.

Only traffic with three or more people or motorcyclists are allowed to use this lane.

Cyclists only. No cars in this lane.

28. If you are driving near a crossing or school, always -
speed up so you can get away quicker

reduce your speed and prepare to stop if needed

keep in the right lane

29. You are A, how do you avoid a crash with B?
reduce your speed and move off the road

use your headlights and horn

keep driving, this is B's problem

30. When does A have to give way to B in the options?
Only in I.

Only in II.

In both I and II.
