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Example Test #15

1. What is the meaning of this sign?
The motorway ends ahead.

The motorway ends in 500 metres.

There are traffic queues likely to be up ahead.

There is an a motorway entrance ahead.

2. What should you do when you arrive at a roundabout?
Indicate and keep your speed to get on the roundabout.

Yield to traffic on the roundabout.

Speed up.

Slow down and approach the roundabout in a low gear.

3. You are driving and think that an oncoming vehicle might crash into you, what do you do in this situation?
Reduce speed .

Flash your headlights and beep your horn to alert him/her.

Move immediately into the hard shoulder.

Remain calm and keep driving as you were.

4. What is the meaning of this sign?
Approaching a mini-roundabout.

There is a T-junction ahead.

There is a dual carriageway ahead.

You are approaching merging and diverging traffic.

5. What should you do if you see flashing blue lights through your rear-view mirror?
Block the vehicle from overtaking you.

Speed up.

Slow down, pull off to the left and let the vehicle with blue lights pass you out.

Pull your vehicle to the right.

6. How can you ensure you stay awake during a long journey?
Drive with your windows open.

Turn your radio to the loudest setting.

Drink coffee or another caffienated drink.

Turn on your air conditioning and stop regularly.

7. You approach roadworks and see this sign. What does it mean?
You must stop before or when you reach the sign.

You must stop when you reach the sign.

Proceed through but carefully.

Stop your vehicle.

8. How might a warm car effect you when driving at night?
It will make you drowsy.

It will make you feel more awake.

It will make you feel hungry.

It will make you feel anger towards other users.

9. How might a worn shock absorber effect your vehicle?
Fuel consumption will be decreased.

It may damage your engine.

It can make your vehicle difficult to control especially on an uneven road where it may be more unstable.

It will make steering more difficult.

10. You are driving and see children on the road ahead, what should you do?
Change to a low gear.

Maintain a safe distance and be ready to apply the brake if needed.

Overtake them.

Slow down.

11. What should you do before reversing a vehicle with an audible parking sensor?
You should look to the front of the vehicle only.

You should look to the front, both sides and back of the vehicle plus your blind spots.

You don't need to do anything.

You should look to both sides of your vehicle only.

12. How might you find driving on a motorway different from driving on other road types?
Other drivers tend to be calmer when driving on a motorway.

The surface is more uneven on other road types.

Vehicles drive slower on a motorway.

Vehicles drive faster on a motorway.

13. How might a badly charged battery affect your vehicles performance?
Makes no difference.

Your vehicle's lights would stop working.

The vehicle would perform worse.

The vehicle would perform better.

14. You are at a junction and you have limited visbility, what should you do?
Speed up and drive through as normal.

Move into the left.

Change to a low gear.

Only move out when safe to do so and watch carefully in both directions.

15. How should you approach a vehicle that is swerving from side to side in front of you?
Make note of the license plate and call the Gardai.

Maintain a safe distance until you can safely overtake.

Call the Gardai.

Call emergency services.

16. You see a flashing warning light on your dashboard, what should you do?
See if the issue is with the fuel gauge.

Take your vehicle to a mechanic.

Continue to drive on cautiously.

Stop the vehicle and investigate the issue.

17. Which part of your vehicle should always be in a good condition?
Your indicator lights and wing mirrors.

Your steering wheel and seatbelts.

Your headlights and seatbelts.

Your tyres and windscreen blades.

18. How might low oil pressure affect your vehicles engine.
It lessens wear and tear on the vehicles engine.

The vehicles engine will be overworked.

Engine friction is lowered.

It doesn't effect it.

19. A car is driven by someone other than the owner, but has the owners consent. Whose responsibility is the insurance of the vehicle?
The owner of the vehicle.

Both parties involved – the owner and the driver.

The insurance company.

The person driving in this instance.

20. How might indicating too late affect other drivers?
It may block their field of view.

It will give them more time to react appropriately.

It will give them less time to react appropriately.

It doesn't affect other drivers.

21. What is the minimum distance you should allow between the vehicle in front of you when driving 100km/h on a dry road?
60 metres.

63 metres.

62 metres.

64 metres.

22. There are two lanes on the entry to a roundabout, which lane should you be in if you want to take the right exit?
Middle lane.

Right lane.

It doesn't matter what lane you choose.

Left lane.

23. What do you need to be aware of in this instance?
The cyclist might fall off their bike.

The cyclist might go onto the road without looking around.

The cyclist might move into your blind spot.

The cyclist may not signal.

24. You have changed your vehicles wheel, what should you check next?
You should check the tyre pressure and if the wheel nuts are screwed on properly.

Your engine filter.

Your fuel gauge.

The vehicles axel.

25. If your oil gauge is showing no pressure or little pressure, what may be the cause?
Your oil levels are high.

Your oil gauge may be faulty.

You oil levels are low.

Your oil levels are normal.

26. What is the meaning of this sign?
May be horses on the road ahead.

May be cattle or other farm animals on the road ahead.

May be birds on the road ahead.

May be deer on the road ahead.

27. In what instance can you overtake on a 2-plus-1 road?
When traffic is heavy only.

When you reach the 2-lane section.

In the section with single white lines only.

In the section with double white lines only.

28. What is the meaning of this sign on the entrance to a motorway?
This lane has a coin basket only.

This lane has an electronic toll.

This lane has a Cashier.

This lane has a toll fare.

29. You need to stop suddenly when driving on a road, what should you do?
Firmly press the brake and keep firm pressure on the brake.

Continue to quickly pump the brake.

Move to a higher gear.

Move to a lower gear.

30. You (the car driver) wish to turn right as shown here, what should you do?
Look in all blind spots and continue.

Stop and let the approaching vehicle pass, continue before the truck.

Wait and let both vehicles continue.

Continue driving through carefully.
