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Example Test #52

1. Two vehicles are facing Give Way signs. Who should move first?
Whoever got their first.

The vehicle that is not turning.

The turning vehicle

The bigger vehicle

2. Which vehicle lights should you have on when it is foggy?
Park lights or side lights

Front and rear fog lights

Dipped headlights

All of the above

3. If you are caught driving when you have been disqualified, is a police officer able to immediately impound your car?

Not it there is another driver with a licence in the vehicle.

No. They must get a impound order first.

4. If you see a green traffic signal, can you drive through?
Yes, but give way to pedestrians and check it is safe


Yes, but look both ways


5. What does this sign tell you?
Drive no faster than 40kph, just in case the accident has not been cleaned up.

There has been an accident on this road. Drive under 20kph.

Narrow cliff ahead.

This is only for police officers, it should not concern me.

6. You are halted at a controlled school crossing, when can you continue on?
When it is a quiet road

If there is a green light

When there are no children

Only after the crossing patrol has brought the Stop signs in

7. Which vehicles are permitted to use this transit lane?
Any vehicle with at least three passengers in the car (inlcuding the driver)

The car must have at least five people in it

No vehicles can use this lane

Any vehicle, but they must pay the $5.00 toll first

8. If you see a flashing yellow traffic light, what does it tell you?
Stop before the intersection

Continue through the intersection unless it turns red

These traffic lights are not working

Ambulance coming through

9. Is blue car required to give way?


10. Should the blue car give way to the motorcyle?


11. Which of the following has the authority to stop you and perform a roadside check on your vehicle? Select all that apply.
Fire marshall


Police officer

Taxi cab driver

12. You approach a red traffic light. How should you respond?
Stop and wait for the green light before passing through.

Stop unless you are in an emergency.

Stop, unless the police or an ambulance is behind you.

Stop, check the road is clear, and then continue.

13. You want to move from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane. What steps should you take? Select all that apply.
Indicate left for three seconds

Check you blind spots

Check your rear view mirror

14. What does this sign tell you?
Do not turn left.

No U-turns

No reversing

Dead end.

15. In this scenario, who should give way?
Blue truck

Red car

16. What does this sign tell you?
Traffic lights are broken, use your initiative.

Bus stop ahead.

Airport and congestion ahead

Stop on request

17. If you are towing a trailer, which of the following should you do?
Do not drive faster than 90 km/h

Put your hazard lights on to warn others

Two trailers can be towed together if their combined weight is less than four tonnes

All of the above

18. Select out of the folowing who is authorised to be a supervisor for a learner driver?
Anyone with a fully licence for a minimum of two years

Anyone over age 20

Anyone who owns a car

All of the above

19. Is the blue car required to give way?


20. Are you allowed to park in front of this sign?
Only after 5pm

Yes, on public holidays and events

All of the above


21. If you fail the Warrant of Fitness check and you are still driving your vehicle on the road, can you be fined?


22. When MUST you have your headlights on?
When it is cloudy.

If you have poor visibility, and the speed limit is 50 km/h or more

If you cannot see further than 100m and visibility is bad.

On a motorway

23. If you have a full licence, which of the following are correct?
5000kg is the maximum combined weight allowed. (Car, trailer, and load)

You can tow any trailer with a full licence

6000kg is the maximum combined weight allowed. (Car, trailer, and load)

You can only have two axles

24. Where are these cat's eye markers placed?
On the right.

In the centre

In a single lane

Queueing for a parking spot.

25. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Right merging traffic

A warning for a sharp curve to the right

Look out for hidden driveways on right

26. When transporting a child aged 8 - 14 in your car, what is the best method for keeping them restrained?
In any child restraint

Use the safety belts in the car

You don't need to restrain them.

In your own personal addtion seatbelt or child restraint

27. If you see this sign, what does it mean?
There is a fee ahead to pass through the road

Pedestrian crossing ahead

The road is a clearway

Usually a lot of traffic ahead

28. Are you ever permitted to park on the right side of a street?
Yes, on a one-way street

Yes, you can park on the right any time.


Only on country lanes

29. You see a pedestrian crossing, and it is split by a central traffic island. When should you stop, if at all?
You don’t need to stop because you have right of way.

When a pedestrian has started crossing at any point

When a pedestrian has started crossing, on your side

You should always stop as a precaution.

30. At an intersection, can you change lanes?
Yes, if it is safe, and you have indicated for three seconds

Yes, whenever you need to

Yes, but only when traffic is busy in your lane.

