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Example Test #63

1. You are coming up to a one-lane bridge. What does this sign tell you?
It is your right of way, so you can contine.

You must wait for the cars coming towards you to drive through.

2. What is the required distance for when you pass a cyclist?
Half a metre

1.5 metres

2 metres

As long as you don't knock over the cyclist, any space is fine.

3. Headlights help you to spot hazards. When must you have then on?
Both before sunrise and after sunset, by half an hour.

When it is foggy outside

When you cannot see further than 100 metres, or less.

All of the above

4. It is OK to use your phone when driving. Yes or No?

Yes, but only when there is another passenger.

Yes, but only if traffic has stopped ahead or is slow.

Yes, if you are on the motorway

5. When passing a stationary school bus, what is the maximum speed you should be driving?




6. Can you turn left at this green light?
Yes, but first give way to any pedestrians

Yes, but only once you have stopped first.

Yes, cars must give you priority.

No, wait for the arrow to turn green

7. A police officer can sometimes stop your vehicle to check your vehicle's fitness. When are they allowed to do this?
When your vehicle looks unsafe to drive.

If your WoF sticker is out of date, then can stop you.

Only if they have another reason for stopping the car.

Any time

8. You come to a traffic signal, and it is showing a red right-pointing arrow. How should you respond?
Wait for a green arrow.

Wait until the red arrow disappears, and the green light appears.Proceed but adhere to give way rules.

Both A and B are correct

9. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Dangerous conditions

Road may be slippery

Constructions ongoing

10. Are you allowed to overtake a vehicle which has stopped at a crossing?
Yes, at any time


Only when there are no pedestrians

Only if the car has its hazard lights on

11. You see a driver doing this hand signal. What are they telling you?
The driver either going to slow down or come to a stop

The driver is going to turn right

The driver is going to turn left

The driver wants you to overtake them.

12. If you see a Stop sign, what should you do?
You have right of way, continue

Stop, but only if there is another car on the road

Prepare to stop if the road is not clear

Reduce speed to a stop, the continue when the road is safe and clear

13. You have just bought a new car, when are you required to renew the WoF inspection?
Every other year

Every 3 years

Three years after you first registered the vehicle, and then annually.

Every year.

14. What does this sign mean?
Uneven road surface ahead

Road bumps ahead

Potholes ahead

Construction works ahead

15. Is blue car required to give way?


16. What is the minimum tread depth for vehicle tyres?




17. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Quiet zone, drive slowly

Look out for children crossing

Bus stop

18. You see a reflective triangle by the roadside. What should you expect on the coming road?
Hospital ahead.

Temporary traffic lights

Broken traffic signals

A breakdown or accident

19. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Traffic merges from right

Priority must be given to the right

Side road junction controlled on right

20. Select the correct minimum tread depth for a standard road tyre.
0.25 millimetres

1.5 millimetres

15 millimetres

5 millimetres

21. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
The speed limit is 100 km/h in good conditions

Turn around, it is a dead end.

Private road, turn around.

Anything vehicle is allowed access.

22. Select the option which shows the correct order that these vehicles should pass through the intersection.
Car C, B, and then A

Car A, B, and then C

Car B, C, and then A

Car B, A and then C

23. If an oncoming vehicle swerves into your lane, how should you proceed safely?
Keep straight, the car should go around you. Sound you horn.

Prepare to swerve into the oncoming car's lane.

Prepare to swerve to the left to avoid a collision.

Any of the above

24. What does this sign tell you?
Turn left now.

Left lane will close.

Keep left

25. You reach an accident sign. What speed should you now be doing until you pass the accident?



You should turn around.

26. How should you repsond in a situation where you are behind a slow car, but there is now a lot of traffic behind you and you don't want to overtake them?
Pull over until the traffic has dispersed

Sound your horn to make the slow driver speed up.

Put enough space between you and the car in front so the car behind you can overtake you if they want to.

Flash your lights

27. What does this sign tell you?
No parking for 50 metres after this sign

Intersection coming up in 50 metres

Speed limit is 50 m/h here

The speed limit is 50 km/h

28. What does this sign show?
A left-hand bend. There is a road marker post on the right.

The opposite side of the road.

The centre of the road

29. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
If you see a red signal, stop

Slow down, stop if there are other cars.

Give way to all traffic.

30. Select the correct instruction to match the sign.
This is a one-way system

Turn right only.

Motorway begins soon.
