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Example Test #73

1. You are at a railway crossing, which of these signs would you not be likely to see?




2. What information does the number five on this sign tell you?
You mustn't leave your car unattended for more than five minutes

You can park here between 5am and 5pm

You can only park here for 5 hours

The fee to park here is $5.00

3. If you see a vehicle with yellow and purple lights coming your way, how should you proceed?
Continue as you are.

You should slow down and prepare to stop because there is an accident.

The vehicle coming towards you is carrying a very wide load. Slow down and pull over if needed.

Pull over for a drink driving test.

4. Two vehicles are facing Give Way signs. Who should move first?
Whoever got their first.

The vehicle that is not turning.

The turning vehicle

The bigger vehicle

5. Should the driver of the blue car give way here?


6. Can you contact a lawyer if a police officer requests an alocohol test?
Yes, as soon as the police requests the test.

No, only if you are arrested.

Yes, but only you have received a negative test

Yes, but only if you have received a positive test

7. You are driving along when you see this sign. What must you do?
You can contine, but with caution. Drive less than 20km/h

Proceed with caution

You must stop

Slow down to below 40 km/h

8. Is it legal to pass on a solid yellow centre line?


Yes, by only when you can see 100m ahead and it is clear, and you do not cross the yellow line.

9. On a road with marked lanes, you must be able to stop the car within half the length of what you can see of the road head. True or false?


Only in poor driving conditions

10. At an intersection, when can you NOT overtake a vehicle on its left-hand side?
If the car is stationary in the lane

If the car is indicating to turn right

If the car is indicating to turn left

11. When parking near a kerb, where should you direct your front wheels?

In any direction because the car is stationary.

Towards the kerb

Towards the lane to make it easier to drive away.

12. Choose the true statement about speed limits.
A speed limit is the maximum speed you should be driving when conditions are good

A speed limit is the fastest you can travel, but still safe

You are allowed to exceed the speed limit by up to 10 km/h ONLY when overtaking

All of the above

13. Is the blue car required to give way?


14. When you are about to make a right turn, what should you do?
Indicate for at least 3 seconds before moving.

Indicate only if there is a car behind you.

Check your blindspots.

15. What does this sign mean?
No unaccompanied children allowed in this area

Bus zone

Pedestrian crossing ahead

Be cautious - children may be on the road ahead

16. Traffic has come to a standstill. Which car can continue on?
Both cars

Red car

Green car

Both must wait

17. You are about to change lane. What do you NOT need to do?

Check your blindpsots.

Look in your mirrors for a space

You must do all of these things.

18. What does this sign tell you?
School ahead

Pedestrian crossing

You can pick people up here.

19. If you are in a situation where your vehicle has ABS, how should you use the brakes in an emergency?
Brake by tapping your foot down repeatedly.

Brake firmly and pull up the handbrake at the same time.

Brake firmly

Slowly apply the brakes

20. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Dip in road

Uneven surface

Cave ahead

21. Headlights are needed during the dark, but when else should you use them?
When it looks like it is going to rain.

When the speed limit is over 60km/h and it is cloudy

If visibility of the road 100m ahead is poor.

On side streets

22. How close can you park near a fire hydrant, when you are going to leave the vehicle unattended?
A minimum of 5m from the hydrant

A minimum of 50cm from the hydrant

Within one metre.

Right in front, or as close as you want.

23. You are approaching an intersection controlled by a give way sign. How should you proceed? Select all that apply.
If you are making a turn, then you should let vehicles that are driving straight on go first.

If you are turning right, give way to vehicles turning left and/or coming towards you

If you are on the terminating road (bottom of the T), you should give way to all traffic on the continuing road (the top of the T)

24. Can alcohol affect your driving ability?
A small amount of alcohol will not affect your driving ability.

Any amount of alcohol will affect your driving.

25. When passing a stationary school bus, and you can see children, what is the maximum speed you should be driving?




26. You have faulty brakes. How should you stop the car in the safest way?
Repeatedly pump the brakes

Pull up the handbrake, but do so gently.

Put your vehicle into a lower gear

All of the above

27. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Watch for low-flying aircraft

Airport ahead

Airplanes only

28. If you have recently purchased and registered a new car, when will you have to renew the WoF?
Three years after the car was registered, you should renew it. Then, every year.


Every two years

Every six months

29. What does this sign tell you?
Minimum 100kph.

In good conditions, a car or motorcycle can drive the maximum speed 100kph

You must drive 100kph unless overtaking.

All vehicles can travel up to 100kph

30. You are at an uncontrolled intersection, and you want to make a left turn. Do you need to give way to all the vehicles coming towards you, which are turning right?
