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Example Test #8

1. Is blue car required to give way?


2. What is the recommended speed for this road?
110 km/h

Any speed, as long as you are cautious.

80 km/h and 110 km/h in safe conditions

Any speed below 100 km/h, in good conditions.

3. If you see a green traffic signal, can you drive through?
Yes, but give way to pedestrians and check it is safe


Yes, but look both ways


4. Select the correct instruction to match the sign.
Cyclists and pedestrians are not allowed here.

Commercial zone

This is a pedestrian and cycle path, no cars.

5. Select the correct instruction to match the sign.
You must have more than two wheels to drive through here

Cyclists are not allowed.

Cars and pedestrians only

6. You are driving along when you see this sign. What must you do?
You can contine, but with caution. Drive less than 20km/h

Proceed with caution

You must stop

Slow down to below 40 km/h

7. After passing another vehicle on the motorway, when should you return to the lane?
Indicate for three seconds, then move over

Keep driving in the right lane

If you can see the car in your rear view mirror, you can safely return to the lane

If the car can be seen in your side mirror, you can return to the lane

8. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Narrow bridge coming up

Narrowing road

Tunnel ahead

9. You are driving along when you notice that your accelerator has jammed. How should you respond?
A) Use your toes to ry and raise the accelerator from underneath

B) Use the brakes

C) Switch off the engine and use the handbrake immediately.

Answers A and B

10. When you exceed the speed limit by 11-20 kph, you will receive demerit points. How many?
5 points

20 points

30 points

1 point

11. If you break down on a motorway, what steps should you take? Select all that apply.
Park on the hard shoulder and wave your arms for help.

Safely exit the vehice and open your boot and bonnet.

Alert other drivers and turn your hazard lights on.

Using your own phone or a motorway phone, call for help.

Park a safe distance from the motorway as possible

12. Is blue car required to give way?


13. Look at the diagram. Can vehicle C move through the intersection?


If the red bus moves away, you can pass.

14. What does this sign mean?
Intersection coming up

You must go straight, no turning

Merging traffic.

One way system ahead.

15. Select the correct instruction to match the sign.
You must give way to any oncoming traffic

Go straight

You have priority over the oncoming vehicles

16. If an oncoming vehicle swerves into your lane, how should you proceed safely?
Keep straight, the car should go around you. Sound you horn.

Prepare to swerve into the oncoming car's lane.

Prepare to swerve to the left to avoid a collision.

Any of the above

17. Select the correct instruction to match the sign.
You must give way to any oncoming traffic

Only pedestrians have priority ahead.

You are going the wrong way.

18. Who should give way?
Red car

Blue car

19. You are carrying a load, is it allowed to drag on the ground?


20. Select the correct match to the sign.
Weight restriction

Height restriction

Width restriction

21. Is blue car required to give way?


22. If the lane if wide enough for two, is it legal to pass like this car does?

Yes, always

Yes, but only if the driver has visibility 100 metres ahead and it is clear.

Yes, if the overtaken car is going to slow.

23. Select the option which shows the correct order that these vehicles should pass through the intersection.
Car C, B, and then A

Car A, B, and then C

Car B, C, and then A

Car B, A and then C

24. You want to move from the right-hand lane to the left-hand lane. What steps should you take? Select all that apply.
Indicate left for three seconds

Check you blind spots

Check your rear view mirror

25. If you see this sign, what is it telling you?
Crossroads ahead, priority turns left

Left turn only ahead

Hidden roads

26. Can a restricted licence holder ever drive on their own (no supervisor)?
Only when the roads are quiet

At any time

Yes, between 5am and 10pm

Yes, between 10pm and 5am

27. When are you permitted to pass a vehicle on its left? Choose all that apply.
When police officer tells you to

When there are two or more lanes (on your side of the road)

The car you are passing is signalling to right turn. It is also slowing down or stationary.

On a single lane road and the vehicle is a motorbike or scooter

28. You are driving along when a vehicle drifts into your lane. How should you react?
A) Step on the brakes hard, start flashing your lights, and beep the horn.

B) Swerve into another lane.

C) Flash your lights and stop.

Answers A and B

29. You are at an uncontrolled intersection, and you want to make a left turn. Do you need to give way to all the vehicles coming towards you, which are turning right?


30. Is blue car required to give way?

