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Example Test #27

1. What does a sign with a brown background show?
Tourist directions

Primary roads

Motorway routes

Minor roads

2. Where should you avoid overtaking?
Just after a bend

In a one-way street

On a 30 mph road

Approaching a dip in the road

3. Why are vehicle mirrors often slightly curved (convex)?
They give a wider field of vision

They totally cover blind spots

They make it easier to judge the speed of the traffic behind

They make the traffic behind look bigger

4. When could the cost of your insurance be reduced?
When you're under 25 years old

When you don't wear glasses

When you pass the driving test first time

When you complete the Pass Plus scheme

5. You want to turn right from a junction. What should you do if your view is restricted by parked vehicles?
Move out quickly, but be prepared to stop

Sound your horn and pull out if there's no reply

Stop, then move forward slowly until you have a clear view

Stop, get out and look along the main road to check

6. Which sign means there's a double bend ahead?




7. What should you do when you're overtaking a motorcyclist on a windy day?
Pass closely

Pass very slowly

Pass widely

Pass immediately

8. What does this sign mean?
Route for trams only

Route for buses only

Parking for buses only

Parking for trams only

9. You're driving on the motorway in windy conditions. What should you do as you overtake a high-sided vehicle?
Increase your speed

Be wary of a sudden gust

Drive alongside very closely

Expect normal conditions

10. What should you do about driving if you've been taking medicine that causes drowsiness?
Only drive if your journey is necessary

Drive on quiet roads

Ask someone to come with you

Avoid driving and check with your doctor

11. What do the long white lines along the centre of the road mean?
Bus lane

Hazard warning

Give way

Lane marking

12. What's the legal minimum insurance cover you must have to drive on public roads?
Third party, fire and theft


Third party only

Personal injury cover

13. What does this sign mean?
Hump bridge

Traffic-calming hump

Low bridge

Uneven road

14. What should you do if you begin to feel drowsy while you're driving?
Stop and rest as soon as possible

Turn the heater up to keep you warm and comfortable

Close the car windows to help you concentrate

Continue with your journey but drive more slowly

15. Which sign shows that you're entering a one-way system?




16. You're in a tunnel and you see this sign. What does it mean?
Direction to an emergency pedestrian exit

Beware of pedestrians: no footpath ahead

No access for pedestrians

Beware of pedestrians crossing ahead

17. When are you not allowed to sound your vehicle's horn?
Between 10.00 pm and 6.00 am in a built-up area

At any time in a built-up area

Between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am in a built-up area

Between 11.30 pm and 6.00 am on any road

18. You're waiting at a T-junction. What should you do if a vehicle is coming from the right, with its left indicator flashing?
Move out and accelerate hard

Wait until the vehicle starts to turn in

Pull out before the vehicle reaches the junction

Move out slowly

19. You're looking for somewhere to park your vehicle. What should you do if the only free spaces are marked for disabled drivers?
Use one of these spaces

Park in one of these spaces but stay with your vehicle

Use one of the spaces as long as one is kept free

Wait for a regular parking space to become free

20. You're driving on this dual carriageway. Why may you need to slow down?
There's a broken white line in the centre

There are solid white lines on either side

There are roadworks ahead of you

There are no footpaths

21. You're driving along a wet road. How can you tell if your vehicle’s tyres are losing their grip on the surface?
The engine will stall

The steering will feel very heavy

The engine noise will increase

The steering will feel very light

22. What can result when you travel for long distances in neutral (known as coasting)?
Improvement in control

Easier steering

Reduction in control

Increased fuel consumption

23. What does this sign mean?
Adverse camber

Steep hill downwards

Uneven road

Steep hill upwards

24. You're driving in a built-up area that has traffic-calming measures. What should you do when you approach a road hump?
Move across to the left-hand side of the road

Wait for any pedestrians to cross

Check your mirror and slow down

Stop and check both pavements

25. What does this sign mean?
Tourist attraction

Beware of trains

Level crossing

Beware of trams

26. Why should you try and park in a secure car park?
It makes it easy to find your car

It helps deter thieves

It stops the car being exposed to bad weather

It doesn't cost anything to park here

27. What will affect your vehicle's stopping distance?
The speed limit

The street lighting

The time of day

The condition of the tyres

28. You plan your route before starting a journey. Why should you also plan an alternative route?
Your original route may be blocked

Your maps may have different scales

You may find you have to pay a congestion charge

You may get held up by a tractor

29. You're on a motorway. What must you do if there's a red cross showing above every lane?
Pull onto the hard shoulder

Slow down and watch for further signals

Leave at the next exit

Stop and wait

30. What should you do if you want to overtake a tractor but aren't sure that it's safe?
Follow another vehicle as it overtakes the tractor

Sound your horn to make the tractor driver pull over

Speed past, flashing your lights at oncoming traffic

Stay behind it if you're in any doubt