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Example Test #52

1. You're driving on a motorway at night. Which lights should you have on if there are other vehicles just ahead of you?
Front fog lights

Main-beam headlights

Sidelights only

Dipped headlights

2. When should you use the left-hand lane of a motorway?
When your vehicle breaks down

When you're overtaking slower traffic in the other lanes

When you're making a phone call

When the road ahead is clear

3. You're driving behind a large goods vehicle. What should you do if it signals left but steers to the right?
Slow down and let the vehicle turn

Drive on, keeping to the left

Overtake on the right of it

Hold your speed and sound your horn

4. You're having difficulty finding a parking space in a busy town. Can you park on the zigzag lines of a zebra crossing?
No, not unless you stay with your car

Yes, in order to drop off a passenger

Yes, if you don't block people from crossing

No, not under any circumstances

5. What should you do when you see an older person about to cross the road ahead?
Expect them to wait for you to pass

Speed up to get past them quickly

Stop and wave them across the road

Be careful; they may misjudge your speed

6. You're waiting at a T-junction. What should you do if a vehicle is coming from the right, with its left indicator flashing?
Move out and accelerate hard

Wait until the vehicle starts to turn in

Pull out before the vehicle reaches the junction

Move out slowly

7. You're driving on an icy road. What distance from the car in front should you drive?
Four times the normal distance

Six times the normal distance

Eight times the normal distance

Ten times the normal distance

8. You've been involved in an argument that's made you feel angry. What should you do before starting your journey?
Open a window

Turn on your radio

Have an alcoholic drink

Calm down

9. What does this sign mean?
National speed limit applies

Waiting restrictions apply

No stopping

No entry

10. What does this sign mean?
No overtaking

No motor vehicles

Clearway (no stopping)

Cars and motorcycles only

11. You're in a one-way street and want to turn right. Where should you position your vehicle when there are two lanes?
In the right-hand lane

In the left-hand lane

In either lane, depending on the traffic

Just left of the centre line

12. What colour are the reflective studs between the hard shoulder and the left-hand lane of a motorway?




13. You're driving on a road that has a cycle lane. What does it mean if the lane is marked by a broken white line?
You shouldn't drive in the lane unless it's unavoidable

There's a reduced speed limit for motor vehicles using the lane

Cyclists can travel in both directions in that lane

The lane must be used by motorcyclists in heavy traffic

14. What should you do when you see this sign at a crossroads?
Maintain the same speed

Carry on with great care

Find another route

Telephone the police

15. What does it mean if this light comes on while you're driving?
A fault in the braking system

The engine oil is low

A rear light has failed

Your seat belt isn't fastened

16. You're on a long motorway journey. What should you do if you start to feel sleepy?
Play some loud music

Stop on the hard shoulder for a rest

Drive faster to complete your journey sooner

Leave the motorway and stop in a safe place

17. A collision has just happened. An injured person is lying in a busy road. What’s the first thing you should do?
Treat the person for shock

Warn other traffic

Place them in the recovery position

Make sure the injured person is kept warm

18. Why should you check for motorcyclists just before turning right into a side road?
They may be overtaking on your left

They may be following you closely

They may be emerging from the side road

They may be overtaking on your right

19. Who's legally responsible for ensuring that a vehicle registration certificate (V5C) is updated?
The registered vehicle keeper

The vehicle manufacturer

Your insurance company

The licensing authority

20. What's a rumble device designed to do?
Give directions

Prevent cattle escaping

Alert you to low tyre pressure

Alert you to a hazard

21. When would you use the right-hand lane of a two-lane dual carriageway?
When you're turning right or overtaking

When you're passing a side road on the left

When you're staying at the minimum allowed speed

When you're travelling at a constant high speed

22. You're going to turn left from a main road into a minor road. What should you do as you approach the junction?
Keep just left of the middle of the road

Keep in the middle of the road

Swing out to the right just before turning

Keep well to the left of the road

23. What's the meaning of this sign?
Local speed limit applies

No waiting on the carriageway

National speed limit applies

No entry for vehicles

24. Why should you keep well to the left as you approach a right-hand bend?
To improve your view of the road

To overcome the effect of the road’s slope

To let faster traffic from behind overtake

To be positioned safely if you skid

25. This junction, controlled by traffic lights, has a marked area between two stop lines. What's this for?
To allow taxis to position in front of other traffic

To allow people with disabilities to cross the road

To allow cyclists and pedestrians to cross the road together

To allow cyclists to position in front of other traffic

26. Where should you avoid overtaking?
Just after a bend

In a one-way street

On a 30 mph road

Approaching a dip in the road

27. What colour are the reflective studs between the lanes on a motorway?




28. Which sign shows that a tanker is carrying dangerous goods?




29. Why is it important to make full use of the slip road as you join a motorway?
Because there's space available to turn round if you need to

To allow you direct access to the overtaking lanes

To allow you to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane

Because you can continue on the hard shoulder

30. What will help you to keep your car secure?
Being a member of a vehicle breakdown organisation

Registering with a Vehicle Watch scheme

Passing an advanced driving test

Taking car maintenance classes