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Example Test #69

1. What’s the safest thing to do if you have to leave valuables in your car?
Put them in a carrier bag

Park near a school entrance

Lock them out of sight

Park near a bus stop

2. Which vehicle should you allow extra room as you overtake them?




3. What should you do if the red lights start flashing as you approach a level crossing?
Go over it quickly

Go over it carefully

Stop before the barrier

Switch on your hazard warning lights

4. You want to turn right from a main road into a side road. What should you do just before turning?
Cancel your right-turn signal

Select first gear

Check for traffic overtaking on your right

Stop and set the parking brake

5. You're waiting at a level crossing. What must you do if a train passes but the lights keep flashing?
Carry on waiting

Phone the signal operator

Edge over the stop line and look for trains

Park and investigate

6. What does this traffic sign mean?
No overtaking allowed

Give priority to oncoming traffic

Two-way traffic

One-way traffic only

7. What does this white arrow on the road mean?
Entrance on the left

All vehicles turn left

Return to your side of the road

Road bends to the left

8. You're approaching an unmarked crossroads. How should you deal with the junction?
Accelerate and keep to the middle

Slow down and keep to the right

Accelerate and look to the left

Slow down and look both ways

9. You're following a lorry on a wet road. What should you do when spray makes it difficult to see the road ahead?
Drop back until you can see better

Put your headlights on full beam

Keep close to the lorry, away from the spray

Speed up and overtake quickly

10. Which vehicle is most likely to take an unusual course at a roundabout?
Estate car

Milk float

Delivery van

Long vehicle

11. What should you do when you're passing loose sheep on the road?
Briefly sound your horn

Go very slowly

Pass quickly but quietly

Herd them to the side of the road

12. When would you use the right-hand lane of a two-lane dual carriageway?
When you're turning right or overtaking

When you're passing a side road on the left

When you're staying at the minimum allowed speed

When you're travelling at a constant high speed

13. You're driving on a wet road. What should you do if you have to stop your vehicle in an emergency?
Apply the parking brake and footbrake together

Keep both hands on the steering wheel

Select reverse gear

Give an arm signal

14. Which type of vehicle should you be ready to give way to as you approach this bridge?




15. What should you do when you're approaching traffic lights that have been green for some time?
Accelerate hard

Maintain your speed

Be ready to stop

Brake hard

16. Why are place names painted on the road surface?
To restrict the flow of traffic

To warn of oncoming traffic

To help you select the correct lane in good time

To prevent you from changing lanes

17. What does this sign mean?
Uneven road surface

Bridge over the road

Road ahead ends

Water across the road

18. You're driving towards this left-hand bend. What danger should you be anticipating?
A vehicle overtaking you

Mud on the road

The road getting narrower

Pedestrians walking towards you

19. The conditions are good and dry. When should you use the 'two-second rule'?
Before restarting the engine after it has stalled

When checking your gap from the vehicle in front

Before using the 'Mirrors - Signal - Manoeuvre' routine

When traffic lights change to green

20. What hazard should you be aware of when travelling along this street?
Glare from the sun

Lack of road markings

Children running out between vehicles

Large goods vehicles

21. What makes your tyres illegal?
If they were bought second-hand

If they have any large, deep cuts in the side wall

If they're of different makes

If they have different tread patterns

22. What does this sign mean?
No overtaking

No motor vehicles

Clearway (no stopping)

Cars and motorcycles only

23. You're joining a motorway from a slip road. How should you deal with traffic already on the motorway?
Carry on along the hard shoulder until you see a safe gap

Stop at the end of the slip road and look for a safe gap

Use the slip road to accelerate until you're moving much faster than the motorway traffic

Match your speed to traffic in the left-hand lane and filter into a safe gap

24. What does this motorway sign mean?
Change to the lane on your left

Leave the motorway at the next exit

Change to the opposite carriageway

Pull up on the hard shoulder

25. What does this road marking mean?
Don't cross the line

No stopping allowed

You're approaching a hazard

No overtaking allowed

26. How can you plan your route before starting a long journey?
Check your vehicle handbook

Ask your local garage

Use a route planner on the internet

Consult a travel agent

27. What's the legal minimum tread depth for tyres on your trailer or caravan?
1 mm

1.6 mm

2 mm

2.6 mm

28. When may you use hazard warning lights while you're driving?
Instead of sounding the horn in a built-up area between 11.30 pm and 7.00 am

On a motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway, to warn of a hazard ahead

On rural routes, after a sign warning of animals

On the approach to toucan crossings, where cyclists are waiting to cross

29. What does this sign mean?
Turn left ahead


No through road

Give way

30. You're waiting to come out of a side road. Why should you look carefully for motorcycles?
Motorcycles are usually faster than cars

Police patrols often use motorcycles

Motorcycles can easily be hidden behind obstructions

Motorcycles have right of way