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Example Test #99

1. Your insurer will issue you with an insurance certificate. When must you produce this document for inspection?
When making a SORN

When buying or selling a vehicle

When a police officer asks you for it

When your vehicle is having an MOT test

2. What's a Statutory Off-Road Notification (SORN)?
A notification to tell DVSA that a vehicle doesn't have a current MOT

Information kept by the police about the owner of a vehicle

A notification to tell DVLA that a vehicle isn't being used on the road

Information held by insurance companies to check a vehicle is insured

3. What does this sign mean?
Change to the left-hand lane

Leave at the next exit

Contraflow system

One-way street

4. How would under-inflated tyres affect your vehicle?
The vehicle's stopping distance would increase

The flash rate of the vehicle's indicators would increase

The vehicle's gear change mechanism would become stiff

The vehicle's headlights would aim high

5. You're approaching a busy junction. What should you do when, at the last moment, you realise you're in the wrong lane?
Continue in that lane

Force your way into the lane you need

Stop until the area has cleared

Use arm signals to help you change lane

6. Why is it bad technique to coast when you're driving downhill?
The fuel consumption will increase

The engine will overheat

The tyres will wear more quickly

The vehicle will gain speed more quickly

7. What's the meaning of this sign?
Local speed limit applies

No waiting on the carriageway

National speed limit applies

No entry for vehicles

8. What should you do if you see a large box fall from a lorry onto the motorway?
Go to the next emergency telephone and report the hazard

Catch up with the lorry and try to get the driver's attention

Stop close to the box until the police arrive

Pull over to the hard shoulder, then remove the box

9. What's the nearest you may park to a junction?
10 metres (32 feet)

12 metres (39 feet)

15 metres (49 feet)

20 metres (66 feet)

10. What will happen if you follow this vehicle too closely?
Your brakes will overheat

Your fuel consumption will be increased

Your engine will overheat

Your view ahead will be reduced

11. Where should you take particular care to look for motorcyclists and cyclists?
On dual carriageways

At junctions

At zebra crossings

On one-way streets

12. You're stopped at the side of the road. What must you do if you'll be waiting there for some time?
Switch off the engine

Apply the steering lock

Switch off the radio

Use your headlights

13. You're travelling in the left-hand lane of a three-lane motorway. How should you react to traffic joining from a slip road?
Increase your speed to ensure they join behind you

Adjust your speed or change lane if you can do so safely

Maintain a steady speed

Switch on your hazard warning lights

14. You're travelling at the legal speed limit. What should you do if the vehicle behind approaches quickly, flashing its headlights?
Accelerate to make a gap behind you

Touch the brakes sharply to show your brake lights

Maintain your speed to prevent the vehicle from overtaking

Allow the vehicle to overtake

15. What restrictions apply if you're towing a trailer on a three-lane motorway?
You mustn't exceed 50 mph

You mustn't overtake

You must have a stabiliser fitted

You mustn't use the right-hand lane

16. You see a horse rider as you approach a roundabout. What should you do if they're signalling right but keeping well to the left?
Proceed as normal

Keep close to them

Cut in front of them

Stay well back

17. Why should you test your brakes after this hazard?
You'll be on a slippery road

Your brakes will be wet

You'll be going down a long hill

You'll have just crossed a long bridge

18. On what type of road surface may anti-lock brakes be ineffective?




19. What does this sign mean?
Wait at the barriers

Wait at the crossroads

Give way to trams

Give way to farm vehicles

20. You're driving on a one-way street. What should you do if you realise you've taken the wrong route?
Reverse out of the road

Turn around in a side road

Continue and find another route

Reverse into a driveway

21. What should you do when you're driving in snowy conditions?
Brake firmly and quickly

Be ready to steer sharply

Use sidelights only

Brake gently in plenty of time

22. What should the driver of the car approaching the crossing do?
Continue at the same speed

Sound the horn

Drive through quickly

Slow down and get ready to stop

23. What should you do first if your vehicle has broken down on an automatic railway level crossing?
Get everyone out of the vehicle and clear of the crossing

Telephone your vehicle recovery service to move it

Walk along the track to give warning to any approaching trains

Try to push the vehicle clear of the crossing as soon as possible

24. You're approaching a junction where the traffic lights aren't working. What should you do when a police officer gives this signal?
Turn left only

Turn right only

Continue ahead only

Stop at the stop line

25. What does a sign with a brown background show?
Tourist directions

Primary roads

Motorway routes

Minor roads

26. You're following a large vehicle. Why should you stay a safe distance behind it?
You'll be able to corner more quickly

You'll help the large vehicle to stop more easily

You'll give the driver a chance to see you in their mirrors

You'll keep out of the wind better

27. Where would you see this sign?
Near a school crossing

At a playground entrance

On a school bus

At a ‘pedestrians only’ area

28. You're driving in freezing conditions. What should you do as you approach a sharp bend?
Coast into the bend

Apply your parking brake

Firmly use your footbrake

Slow down gently

29. You're driving on a wet road. What should you do if you have to stop your vehicle in an emergency?
Apply the parking brake and footbrake together

Keep both hands on the steering wheel

Select reverse gear

Give an arm signal

30. What should you do when you're following a learner driver who stalls at a junction?
Be patient, as you expect them to make mistakes

Stay very close behind and flash your headlights

Start to rev your engine if they take too long to restart

Immediately steer around them and drive on