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Example Test #1

1. What does this sign indicate?
You may only turn left when the light is green.

You may turn left after yielding to oncomming traffic.

Left turns are prohibited.

You have right of way.

2. This sign means that you are permitted to
turn left

turn right.

make a U-turn here.

go straight.

3. What does this sign mean?
There is a gas station ahead.

There is food ahead.

There is lodging ahead.

There is a rest stop ahead.

4. On a multilane highway slower traffic must stay
in the middle lane.

on the shoulder.

in the right lane.

in the left lane.

5. If two vehicles arrive at an uncontrolled intersection at the same time who has right of way?
Vehicle A.

Vehicle B.

Larger vehicles have right of way.

Only vehicles turning left must yield right of way.

6. When you are being passed on the left you should
speed up.

move over to the shoulder.

maintain your speed.

move over to the left.

7. This sign indicates that
all of the above.

this road is for HOV vehicles only.

you should be alert for farm vehicles and tractors.

there is a school zone ahead.

8. What is the meaning of this sign?
it indicates a two-way road.

it indicates a two-way left-turn lane.

it indicates a two-way right-turn lane.

it indicates two-way merging traffic.

9. What must you do if a fire truck approaches with its lights and siren activated?
Activate your hazard lights.

Stop in the roadway.

Speed up to stay ahead of the firetruck.

Pull over to the side of the road and stop.

10. On a one-way street with three lanes you should stay
stay in the left lane if you are turning right.

stay in the middle lane to turn right.

stay in the left lane if you are turning left.

stay in the center lane when turning left.

11. What does this sign indicate?
A two way road ahead.

A divided highway.

A bridge ahead.

A one-way road.

12. If you are turning you should
keep one hand on the steering wheel.

keep the right hand on the steering wheel.

use the hand-over-hand technique.

use the single-hand technique.

13. If your engine dies when you are driving you should
immediately stop.

swerve towards the shoulder.

continue moving forward.

try to maneuver towards the shoulder.

14. You are driving and miss your exit, you should
back up if there are no vehicles approaching.

activate your hazard lights.

pull over to the shoulder.

take the next exit.

15. Driving at night after consuming alcohol is dangerous because
the roads are busier at night.

your vision is already restricted.

you are more likely to be tired.

there are more impaired drivers on the road.

16. The following signal indicates the driver is about to turn right.
arm extended outward and the forearm pointing upward.

arm extended outward.

arm extended outward and the forearm pointing downward.

the driver moves their arm up and down.

17. What is the meaning of this sign?
You are approaching a detour.

You are approaching a work zone.

You are approaching a bump in the road.

You are approaching a low place in the road.

18. This space is reserved for
temporary parking only.

senior citizens.


handicapped persons.

19. What does this sign indicate?
You must turn right.

There is a traffic light ahead.

There is a T-intersection ahead.

There is a school zone ahead.

20. Vertical rectangular signs provide
warnings about road conditions ahead.


information about the route number.

information about traffic ahead.

21. This sign indicates that
You are approaching a narrow bridge

You are approaching a winding road

There is low clearance ahead

You are approaching a narrow road

22. The following activities should be avoided when driving.
Eating or drinking coffee.

Using your phone.

Listening to the radio.

All of the above.

23. What does this image indicate?
You may not pass.

You may pass.

You may only turn left.

Only trucks may pass.

24. What should you do when approaching a zipper merge?
speed up.

change lanes immediately.

stay in your lane and merge one vehicle at a time.

pull over to the shoulder.

25. If you see these lines you may not pass.
Broken white lines.

Broken yellow lines.

Broken yellow line on your side and solid yellow on the other.

Double solid yellow line.

26. The leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 16 and 24 is


drunk driving.


27. What does this sign indicate?
You must turn left.

You must make a U-turn.

You may not make a U-turn.

You must go straight.

28. What should you not do when crossing railroad tracks.
Change gears.

Reduce speed.

Look both ways for approaching trains.

Be alert.

29. If you see this sign while traveling in the left lane, you should
make a left turn.

make a right turn.

merge left.

go straight.

30. This eight-sided sign in the shape of an octagon is
a stop sign.

a speed limit sign.

a work zone sign.

an advisory sign.
