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Example Test #21

1. You may be convicted of a DUI for
all of the above.


some over the counter medicine.

some prescription drugs.

2. What does this sign indicate?
Stay to the right.

Stay to the left.

The road is closed ahead.

You must turn right.

3. A flashing red signal tells you that you must _________ before proceeding.
not stop


reduce your speed and proceed with caution

make a turn

4. You may not pass if
any of the above.

there is a solid yellow line dividing the roadway.

visibility is limited.

there is a stopped school bus with the red lights on and stop arm extended.

5. What is the meaning of this sign?
The maximum permitted speed is 45 mph.

The minimum permitted speed is 45 mph.

The maximum permitted speed at night is 45 mph.

You must take Route 45 at night.

6. What is the meaning of this sign?
The divided highway ends ahead.

There is a detour ahead.

Keep right of the traffic island.

Turn right for a low-clearance underpass.

7. When arrested for a DUI your license will be confiscated and you will be given a receipt that allows you to drive for
45 days.

14 days.

30 days.

six months.

8. This sign tells you
what the interstate highway number is.

the number of miles until the next exit.

the exit number.

the interstate highway speed limit.

9. What is the meaning of this sign?
The road ahead is closed.

It means you are driving in the wrong direction.

There is an abandoned road ahead.

You may not enter here.

10. You can use your high-beams in the following situations.
On a dark rural road.

When there are no vehicles ahead or approaching from the opposite direction.

In the rain or snow.

On an empty roadway.

11. What is the meaning of this sign?
You are approaching exit 22.

You are approaching mile marker 22.

The next exit is 22 miles away.

You are approaching an intersection with U.S. Route 22.

12. You should never make a U-turn unless
you can see approaching traffic from a safe distance ahead.

you can see traffic from both directions from a safe distance.

you come to a complete stop first.

there is a sign permitting U-turns.

13. If you park on a street facing downhill you should turn your wheel
to the left.

to the right.

towards the curb.

leave the wheel straight.

14. What does this traffic sign mean?
Keep going straight.

Merge to the left.

Turn left or keep going straight.

You may not turn left or go straight.

15. To deal with highway hypnosis, drowsiness and fatigue, drivers should _________ to keep them alert.
exercise their eyes

take stimulants

send text messages

talk on their cell phone

16. Can you turn right at a red light?
Only after coming to a complete stop and yielding right of way.

Only if there is a sign permitting right turns on red.


Only after stopping and yielding right of way to vehicles only.

17. If you do not want to be distracted when you are driving you should
turn off your phone.

not drive when you are sad or angry.

not eat or drink when you are driving.

all of the above.

18. The pavement markings in the picture indicate that
passing is forbidden here.

passing is permitted here.

you must take a detour.

you must turn here.

19. Minors may use a cell phone
if they reduce speed.

they may not use a cell phone.

only if it is hands-free.

only when driving below 25 mph.

20. The following can be distractions or impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle
all of the above.

alcohol, drugs, and some prescription medications.

listening to loud music.

adjusting some of the electronic controls on your vehicle.

21. You must use your turn signals
only if there other vehicles near by.

only if there is a vehicle behind you.

for at least 500 feet before you turn.

anytime when turning.

22. When approaching a yield sign you must
come to a complete stop before proceeding.

slow down and stop if needed.

drive normally and proceed.

turn around.

23. What does this sign indicate?
The recommended speed for the curve ahead.

The speed limit for the curve ahead

The minimum speed for the curve ahead.

The recommended speed for the curve ahead in the rain.

24. What does this sign indicate?
You must turn right ahead.

The road is closed ahead.

You must yield to approaching vehicles.

You may not enter.

25. When experiencing a blowout you should
slam on the brakes.

swerve towards the shoulder.

let off the gas and gradually apply the brakes.

stop in the roadway.

26. What does this sign indicate?
The shoulder drops.

There is a dip in the road.

The road is slippery when wet.

The shoulder may be used for passing.

27. The following pavement marking separates lanes travelling in the same direction.



None of the above.

28. Your stopping distance is
all of the above.

your reaction time.

your braking distance.

your perception.

29. What does this sign mean?
The road is closed ahead.

You must turn left.

There is a work zone ahead.

There is a sharp turn ahead.

30. At an intersection, a stop sign accompanied by this sign tells you
that there are four lanes of traffic.

that you must stop for four seconds.

that drivers from all four directions approaching the intersection must stop.

that vehicles from all four directions must yield.
