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Example Test #68

1. What does this sign mean?
There is a school zone ahead.

There is a park ahead.

There is a railroad crossing ahead.

The road is closed ahead.

2. What does this sign indicate?
The speed limit for the exit is 30 mph.

The minimum speed is 30 mph.

The recommended speed is 30 mph.

The recommended speed for trucks is 30 mph.

3. Who has right of way at a four way stop?
The vehicle that stops first.

The vehicle that flashes their lights.

Vehicles going straight.

Vehicles making a right turn.

4. What is the meaning of this sign?
It means you are approaching a hospital

It means you are approaching a pedestrian crosswalk.

It means you are approaching a disabled crossing.

It means you are approaching a disabled parking area.

5. This sign and pavement markings mean that _______ is permitted.
none of the above.

making a left turn, from either direction

making a right turn, from either direction

passing from either direction

6. If a pedestrian is in or entering a crosswalk you must
stop and yield right of way.

reduce speed.

honk your horn.

speed up and drive around the pedestrian.

7. How many standard servings of alcohol can an adult drink before driving, without it causing risk?



It depends on the person

8. What does this sign indicate?
The road is closed ahead.

You must go straight.

You must turn left.

You must turn right.

9. What type of medications can impair your ability to operate a motor vehicle?
All of the above.

Prescription drugs.

Over the counter drugs.

Drugs taken for headaches or allergies.

10. What does this sign indicate?
The shoulder drops.

There is a dip in the road.

The road is slippery when wet.

The shoulder may be used for passing.

11. What does this sign mean?
A stop sign.

A yield sign.

The minimum speed.

The speed limit.

12. If there is a yield sign you must
reduce speed and be prepared to stop if needed.

maintain your speed.

come to a complete stop before proceeding.

yield to vehicles only.

13. If you see this sign
cyclists have right of way.

cyclists and vehicles may use the roadway.

there is a bike crossing ahead.

you may not pass cyclists ahead.

14. This sign tells you that
vehicles on the left must make a left turn and vehicles on the right must make a right turn.

vehicles on the left must turn left and vehicles on the right must keep going straight.

vehicles on the left must turn left and vehicles on the right must merge right.

vehicles on the left must turn left and vehicles on the right may either go straight or turn right.

15. In a work zone the speed limit is
10 mph less.

55 mph.

45 mph.

the posted speed limit.

16. What is the meaning of this figure?
You are approaching a pedestrian crossing; yield.

A crew is at work; slow down here

There is a flag person ahead; drive slowly.

You are approaching a school crossing; stop.

17. What does this sign mean?
There is a sharp right turn ahead.

The road curves to the right.

You must turn left.

There is a traffic light ahead.

18. If your tires lose traction with the road in the rain this is known as




19. In this picture there is a
police officer.

flag person allowing traffic to proceed.

police officer allowing traffic to proceed.

flagger directing traffic to stop.

20. Who must wear a seatbelt in Illinois?
The driver only.

The driver and passengers under the age of 18.

Everyone in the vehicle.

Only the driver and front passengers.

21. If you see this road sign, you must
exit the highway at 30 mph or more.

speed up to 30 mph and pass the vehicle in front of you.

exit the highway with a maximum speed of 30 mph.

exit the highway at 60 mph or less.

22. When driving downhill for an extended period of time you should
keep the brake pedal depressed.

turn off the vehicle.

shift into a lower gear.

turn on your hazard lights.

23. A second crash report must be filed with the Illinois Department of Transportation in ____ days.




24. What does this sign mean?
The minimum speed is 50 mph.

The speed limit is 50 mph.

The daytime speed limit is 50 mph.

The speed limit is 50 mph in the rain.

25. The following sign would be found in a school zone.




26. What is the meaning of this sign?
Merging is not allowed here.

Right turns are not allowed here.

Left turns are not allowed here.

This side of the road is currently closed.

27. Broken white lines indicate
you may pass if it is safe to do so.

passing is prohibited.

the lane is closed ahead.

you must turn right.

28. If you are about to turn left and the light turns yellow you should
make your turn.

go straight.

enter the intersection and turn when it is safe.

make a U-turn.

29. This hand signal means the driver is about to
turn left.

turn right.

slow down or stop.

speed up.

30. What is the meaning of this sign?
It tells you to keep right of the divider.

It tells you to keep left of the divider.

It means there is a divided highway ahead.

It means you will have to detour.
