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Example Test #85

1. What is this sign?
A regulatory sign.

A service sign.

A speed limit sign.

An advisory sign.

2. What is this sign used to indicate?
There is a forest zone ahead

There is a cattle crossing ahead

There is a zoo ahead

There is a deer crossing ahead

3. If you are convicted of a DUI you may drive if you have a
None of the above.

Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device.

Breath Analyzing Interlock Device.

Blood Alcohol Ingition Interlock Device.

4. What does this panel indicate?
The road is closed ahead.

The lane is closed ahead.

You must turn right.

You must turn left.

5. If you see a flashing yellow light you should
drive normally.

stop before proceeding.

slow down and proceed with caution.

turn around.

6. In a work zone the speed limit is
10 mph less.

55 mph.

45 mph.

the posted speed limit.

7. You are driving at 65 mph when you see this sign. It means
you can stay at the same speed.

You will need to slow down soon

You will need to speed up soon

You will soon enter a school zone.

8. If you are under the age of 21 the following is illegal.
All of the above.

Purchasing alcohol.

Consuming alcohol.

Having a BAC of .02 or greater.

9. What does this sign indicate?
This lane is for HOV vehicles.

This lane is for buses.

Trucks may not use this lane.

Buses may not use this lane.

10. What is the meaning of this sign?
It means you are coming up to a school zone.

It means that stopping or standing is forbidden.

It means you are approaching a tunnel.

it means that hitchhiking is prohibited here.

11. What is the meaning of this figure?
You are approaching a pedestrian crossing; yield.

A crew is at work; slow down here

There is a flag person ahead; drive slowly.

You are approaching a school crossing; stop.

12. What does this sign indicate?
You may make a U-turn.

None of the above.

Trucks may not make a U-turn.

U-turns are prohibited.

13. When entering a highway you should
reduce speed.

speed up.

stop before entering the highway.

enter at the speed of traffic.

14. The following activities should be avoided when driving.
Eating or drinking coffee.

Using your phone.

Listening to the radio.

All of the above.

15. Your stopping distance is
all of the above.

your reaction time.

your braking distance.

your perception.

16. The arrow on this sign tells you that
all drivers must stop here to turn right.

drivers may drive in either direction.

all traffic must travel only in the direction indicated by the arrow.

the lane ahead is only for trucks to turn right.

17. If your car is parked and it rolls into another vehicle you
can leave if there is no one around.

drive away normally.

leave must your contact information on the other vehicle and notify the police.

must only contact the owner of the other vehicle if the damage is over $1,000.

18. You should maintain your windshield wipers because
they improve aerodynamics of the vehicle.

they can help you stop faster.

they increase your fuel economy.

they keep the windshield clean.

19. Can you park here at 10:30 a.m.?


If the street has no traffic.

With a permit.

20. You can avoid sudden braking or turning by
using the three-second rule.

using the one-second rule.

looking ahead and being alert.

looking two seconds ahead.

21. What does this sign mean?
The speed limit in a school zone when children are present.

The speed limit in a school zone on the weekends.

The speed limit in a school zone at all times.

The minimum speed in a school zone.

22. When stopping at a railroad crossing you should be
as close to the gate as possible.

five feet from the tracks.

between 15 and 50 feet from the tracks.

at least 50 to 100 feet from the tracks.

23. This diamond-shaped sign means you are approaching a(n)
overpass; clearance from the roadway surface to the overpass is 13 feet 6 inches.

median; the width of the road is 13 feet 6 inches.

parking area; the width of the road is 13 feet 6 inches.

bridge; the width of the road is 13 feet 6 inches.

24. If the brakes fail when you are driving you should
downshift and use the parking brake.

put the vehicle in neutral.

keep pumping the brake pedal.

turn off the vehicle.

25. How many standard servings of alcohol can an adult drink before driving, without it causing risk?



It depends on the person

26. What does this sign indicate?
You may not park to the right of the sign.

You may park to the left of the sign.

You may not park to the left of the sign.

You may park here with a permit.

27. What is the meaning of this regulatory sign?
It means the lane is reserved for high-occupancy vehicles during specified times.

It means the indicated lane is reserved for heavy trucks.

It means high-occupancy vehicles are not permitted here during specified times.

It means cars buses are allowed during specified times.

28. The vision test evaluates

peripheral vision.

depth and color perception.

all of the above.

29. What does this sign mean?
Vehicles in the right lane may turn right or go straight and vehicles in the second lane must go straight.

Vehicles in the right lane must turn right and vehicles in the second lane may go straight or turn right.

Vehicles in the right lane must turn right and vehicles in the second lane must go straight.

Vehicles in the right lane must go straight and vehicles in the second lane must go straight.

30. The following is not permitted when you are driving.
Sending a text message.

Reading a text message.

Writing a text message.

Sending, reading, or writing a text message.